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Visualization of n-D Spectra

It's important to use a single color (or two colors only) to draw a 2-D spectrum. It will be clearly differentiated from the other elements, like labels, integrals, etc... and from other spectra too. With the mechanism of overlays you can plot many spectra together, each with its own color and all in the same place.

Available Modes:

Step 1

Fast Plot: ideal during processing.

The palette of colors is shared among all the spectra. You can select another palette into your user preferences or use the keyboard shortcuts 4 and 6 to rotate through all the available palettes.

Step 2

Contour Plot: ideal for printing, comparing two experiments, annotating, etc.. 4 parameters regulate this mode:

Threshold: the intensity value of the first contour level. Signals of lower intensity are hidden.

Spacing: the constant ratio between the intensities of two adjacent levels.

The number of positive and negative levels. The latter can go to zero; in this case the negative peaks are not shown.

Step 3

Gradient Contour Plot: the first levels are pale, then they gradually become solid.

Use this stylish variation if you want to see very weak peaks without being distracted by them. It is slower than the normal contour plot.

Step 4

The Stacked Plot is the first choice for arrayed spectra, for example an experiment of Inversion Recovery. Each row is drawn as a normal 1-D spectrum.

Can be easily transformed into a skewed plot: drag the right margin toward the left.

Step 5

The Arrayed Plot is a variation of the above, useful to compare the relative intensities.

The frequency scale still refers to the contour plot.

Step 6

Chessboard: each sub-plot is tagged with a numerical index.

This mode can accommodate a small 3-D experiment.

To see the spectrum on a black background, press ⇧-B: it swaps the colors of the background and the scale.
Any color is possible for the background and the scales, but only gray can be used for the optional grid.

Related Topics

Adding the Projections around a 2-D Plot

Changing the Font of the Frequency Scale


Web Tutorial

Create a Color Gradient