A |
adjusted integral |
annotations |
anti-aliasing |
apodization |
arrow keys |
arrows |
ASCII tables |
automatic baseline correction |
automatic phase correction |
automatic integration |
axes & scales |
B |
baseline correction |
baseplane correction |
batch processing |
bidimensional plots |
bidimensional processing |
bins |
bitmaps |
brackets |
buckets |
C |
chemical exchange |
chemical structures |
clipboard |
collapse |
color |
command line |
complex numbers |
console |
container document |
contour plot |
copy |
coupling constants |
cross-hair |
cut |
cutter |
D |
dashboard |
data reduction |
deconvolution |
delete |
difference spectroscopy |
drag and drop |
dragger tool |
drawer |
drawer (simulated spectra) |
drawing modes |
dynamic NMR |
E |
editing |
exponential weighting |
extraction |
export, command |
F |
fast plot |
formats |
formulae |
Fourier transform |
fragments |
frames |
free induction decay |
free size |
frequency fitting |
G |
gaussian line-shape |
gaussian weighting |
GE medical |
H |
help |
hypercomplex |
I |
imaginary component |
importing spectra |
insets |
integration |
interactive weighting |
interpolator |
J |
J Manager |
K |
keys in action |
L |
levels & colors |
line fitting |
linear prediction |
LP-filling |
lua |
N |
number of points |
normalization of integrals |
O |
open command |
original parameters |
overlays |
P |
pages |
page setup |
palette |
peak-picking |
phase correction |
pictures |
polynomial baseline correction |
poster |
preferences |
preview |
process folder, command |
Q |
Quick Look |
R |
real component |
reference deconvolution |
referencing the frequency scale |
reload |
repeat |
replica |
report for publication |
revert to saved |
T |
Tecmag |
text |
thumbnail |
tiled windows |
tilt |
title |
total line shape fitting |
trace |
transposition |
tools |
U |
undo |
units |
V |
visual weighting |
W |
weighting functions |
weighting in 1D spectroscopy |
Win-NMR |
window behavior |
X |
Y |
Z |
zero-filling |
zoom |
zoom in, zoom out |