-> click here to download SwaN-MR and other freeware for Mac OS X <-

Writing a converter TO the SwaN-MR format is very easy. Things are complicated if you want convert FROM SwaN-MR but this is not addressed in this page. Your program should include the following code:

typedef struct	{ 	long	pts, dgt;
					float	width, Hz, MHz;
					short	protocol, options;	}	Layer;
typedef struct	{	float		re, im;	} complex;

long	n,	/* number of complex points	*/
		header = (long*) NewPtrClear(512);	/* a Macintosh function */
short	i, dimension;	/* normally 1 or 2 */
Layer	L[5];
complex	*data;	/* assuming this already contains your data	*/

#if (! your_spectra_are_like_Bruker)
	for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
		data[i].im = - data[i].im;

L->pts = 1;
L->dgt = 1;
L->width = 1000;
L->Hz = 0;
L->MHz = 100;
L->protocol = 0;
L->options = 1;

for (i = 1; i <= 4; i++)
	L[i] = L[0];

for (i = 1; i <= dimension; i++)	{
	L[i].pts = n;	/* modify if dimension > 1 !!!	*/
	L[i].dgt = L[i].pts;
	L->width = your_spectral_width;
	L->Hz = frequency_at_the_right_end_of_the_spectrum;
	L-> MHz = spectrometer_frequency;

header[0] = 32;
header[1] = 8 * n;
header[33] = dimension << 16;

/* assuming your file is open and refnum = the file reference number */
howMuch = 512;
FSWrite (refNum, &howMuch, (Ptr) header);
howMuch = 8 * n;
FSWrite (refNum, &howMuch, (Ptr) data);
SetFPos(refNum, fsFromStart, 32);
howMuch = 4 * sizeof(Layer);
FSWrite (refNum, &howMuch, (Ptr) &L[1]);
FSClose (refNum);

DisposPtr ((Ptr) header);